

A Great Mountain Burning with Fire

Revelation 8:8 - The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea,and a third of the sea became blood.

A List of Reviews

Here I get to combine two of my favourite things - films and lists :) As part of my daily schedule, if time permits I watch a film or one of my favourite TV shows. How I've done that and still had a life is one of time's great miracles! Simple mathematics equates that I have seen a lot, many of wish I will never admit to watching! But those that I am comfortable with discussing are listed below. Simple premise really, I rate it Watch, Consider or Miss then give a summary of my humble opinions.
In the end I hope I entice someone somewhere to see at least one of the great ones.

  • True Legend - Watch - Visually stunning with high flying impossible kung fu action galore. A mystic fable set in ancient China that tells a familiar tale of love, betrayal, family and the fight between good and evil. Maybe there are better films out there but for a kung fu amateur like myself it had all the elements that kept me satisfied.
  • Grown-Ups - Miss - It should have been funny. I even get the sense it should have been a family film of  some sort. Lots of familiar names acting out scenes from a story about school friends grown up and reunited. One scene made me laugh. You can tell the comedians are all close in real life so this was an excuse to do a film together but they created a TV movie instead of a blockbuster comedy.

  • Hot Tub Time Machine - Consider - A juvenile rump through the 80s with grossed out humour. I did not think I would like it but it was funny. Very silly yes but a nice way to kill a couple of hours.

  • Death At a Funeral - Miss - Just save yourself the time and money and watch the original 2007 British version. It was more realistic and funny. Hollywood seems to be stuck on the idea that packing a movie with a host of comedians and popular actors will create a hit. Not so with this one. The storyline and dwarf are exactly the same in the original so please check it out instead.

  • Une Prophete (A Prophet)- Watch - I am a proud francophile. So the moment I saw the poster around London for this film, it was number one on my To Watch list. It was worth it. An epic prison drama that gives you an insight into the French penal system. A microcosm of racial and criminal tensions. We see the transition of a young Arab as he serves his sentence. It is epic as it carefully, painfully maps the man he becomes. This is not two plus hours of Prison Break action but a study of the creation of crime kingpin. I loved it. Tahar Rahim is a brilliant actor. 

  • Prince of Persia - Consider - No Oscar winning action drama here. It really is a kids movie. Leave your brain at the door and enjoy a buffed up Jake Gyllenhaal. Ignore the lack of authenticity (the accents are far from Persian) and it just get caught up in the big scenes and corny jokes.

  • She's out of my league - Watch/Consider - This film is deeper that it appears. I was not expecting much so it was a pleasant surprise. Some frat boy humour yes but altogether great casting and a sweet little message at the end.

Your Daily Humorscope

Need a little silliness in your life? Check out your daily humorscope (get it... a humorous horoscope?!) Here's my humorscope for today:

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your ancestors were berserkers -- feared warriors who attacked without fear or common sense. You will soon enter the same state of mind, and when you finally "snap out of it", you will find an enormous pile of peeled potatoes and family members edging towards the door.

see? Told ya it was silly.
and since I'm feeling silly, here's what I'll pretend my warrior ancestors looked like.
While the movie 300 is quite bloody, it does give a FINE demonstration of the muscular potential for the male species. Mmm.


Miss my college life

Miss my college life

Unconsciously,three years have passed,I have already worked at this society,In order to survival,I must work hard everyday to earn enough money.After work,sometimes I feel confused and unhappy,becasue i think I lose my way.The people who I know always has a long distance between us at this society.Maybe the trust in this society become more and more unimportance.

As per the price in China is growing rapidly,incuding the food price,real estate etc,I can't put up with it any more.The monthly salary my  boss gave is so low,i think that maybe i couldn't marriage,because I can't purchase a house as my love nest.

I very  miss my friend who I know in my college,The friendship I think it is  my most important and rarity thing all my life.Friends ,i very miss you .Do you know?Althoug we contact with each other become more and more seldom.  I have never forgotten them.I always bless them ,Sincerely hoping they everything goes well and wish their dream become true.

The Sunny and leggy beautiful girl

                                                                         The Sunny  and leggy beautiful girl

The new super snowstorm is attacking the XingJiang province,HeiLongJiang province in China

             The new super snowstorm is attacking the XingJiang province,HeiLongJiang province in China,which make the HaErBin
many streets are traffic jam.Thousands of people who can't go their home.The weather report of HeiLongJiang Tv station said  the
 snow will last  30th Dec ,but it also become smaller.

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